Excellent Value!
11/17/2022 9:53:32 AM - Douglas - Kingwood, TX US
I used Boson to help me learn and pass my CCNA years ago, and now I find myself back here to work on my CCNP. I feel their offerings are top notch.
Buy this package & see what works for you. Give yourself some dedicated time to focus and study. If you have purchased from Boson before, you are probably eligible for discounts on purchasing a new package.
This package is complete and allows you to study from three perspectives. Courseware (e-books), Exam Simulation, & Network Simulation.
ExSim: This is an awesome simulator for studies. You have so many variables and you can do actual test simulation or you can put it in study mode. This has been the most helpful in my studies.
NetSim: This gives you a hands-on virtual lab in order to retain your skills. You can use the stock labs in this package, or you can create your own virtual labs and design them how you want. The platform now offers either a downloadable app or an online web based option. I like the online option, I can study on my MAC or anywhere.